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Computational Tools for Population-Scale Single Cell Genomics

Project Demuxlet, Freemuxlet, Memento
Funding Cycle 5

Proposal Summary

To develop statistically robust, computationally efficient, and maximally compatible open source software for the design and analyses of multiplexed single-cell sequencing experiments.


Demuxlet, Freemuxlet, Memento

Recent developments in multiplexed single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) using natural genetic variation has enabled efficient profiling of cells across many samples. Some of the most widely adopted approaches for demultiplexing include Demuxlet, Freemuxlet, and Memento. This project will further develop and support Demuxlet, Freemuxlet, and Memento for the design and analyses of multiplexed scRNA-seq experiments.

Key Personnel

Jimmie Ye