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Innovating Image Analysis Services with Computer Science Expertise

Award Imaging Scientist

Funding Cycle Cycle 1


Anthony Santella, PhD

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center


Anthony Santella is a computer scientist with a background in image and data analysis, computer vision, visualization, and graphics. Born in NYC, he completed a BA at New York University and PhD at Rutgers. He has 11 years of experience collaborating with biologists to develop practical, open source tools for challenging image and data analysis tasks, with a focus on long-term cell tracking in live fluorescence imaging. He is joining the Molecular Cytology Core to lead an image analysis innovation effort: developing, testing, deploying, and adapting cutting-edge open source image analysis software to serve researcher needs.

Project Description

The Image Analysis Innovation program at Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Molecular Cytology Core ensures researcher access to cutting-edge image analysis software and techniques. The image analysis needs of researchers are constantly changing, as is image analysis software—particularly as open source development efforts proliferate and deep learning-based approaches become mainstream in science. Making trade-offs between competing algorithms and software packages and managing training data is as important as computing power. The innovation program provides dedicated computer science expertise to deploy novel solutions to the image analysis tasks of users and to train researchers in the fundamentals of image analysis.