Ethics Policies and Guidelines

Community Participation Guidelines

Our Community Participation Guidelines are expected behaviors for engaging in CZI communities, and reflect our organizational values. We hold ourselves accountable to these guidelines and expect all who participate in CZI communities — including internal meetings, external convenings, workshops, online discussions, and other forums — to do the same.

Equal Employment Opportunity, Anti-Harassment & No Retaliation Policy

CZI is committed to creating and maintaining a workplace in which everyone has an opportunity to participate and contribute to the success of the organization and are valued for their skills, experience, and unique perspectives. This commitment is embodied in CZI’s policies and the way we work. This policy explains some of the legal elements of creating a workspace free of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.

Speak Up Policy

CZI is committed to providing an environment where open and honest communication is the expectation, not the exception. CZI expects all our employees, contractors and partners, such as our grantees, vendors, and online and in-person community and events participants, to conduct business with the highest standards of ethics. This policy encourages all individuals working at or with CZI to promptly report any instance where they have a good faith belief that a policy, law, or community norm is violated.

Ethics Hotline

Anyone that has observed behavior not meeting the expectations outlined in the Community Participation Guidelines and CZI Policies should raise those concerns as soon as possible. CZI has established several avenues of reporting or to seek guidance including an Ethics Hotline that allows for submitting your question or report through the web or telephone, with an option to remain anonymous. Please remember that CZI does not tolerate intimidation or retaliation against anyone who submits a report in good faith.