Our Scientific Institutes
We are developing new types of research institutes to do great science that cannot be done in conventional environments. By pairing scientists with experts from a variety of disciplines, we will take on grand scientific challenges in areas like imaging, cell biology, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence. Together, we will build the tools that will lead to new discoveries and translate basic science into groundbreaking treatments and therapies.

Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Network
Based on the success of the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub San Francisco, we are expanding to form a Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Network, in which new Biohubs in distinct geographic locations will be created to bring together leading scientific and technology institutions with the goal of pursuing grand scientific challenges on 10 to 15-year time horizons. The CZ Biohub Chicago focuses on creating new technologies to understand and treat the inflammatory states that underlie many diseases, while the newly-launched CZ Biohub New York will characterize and bioengineer immune cells that can detect early stages of disease in cells, monitor cell changes, and resolve diseases before they become untreatable.

Chan Zuckerberg Institute for Advanced Biological Imaging
Located in California's Bay Area, the Chan Zuckerberg Institute for Advanced Biological Imaging will bring together diverse disciplines to develop revolutionary new imaging hardware and software tools that provide comprehensive views of biological systems in their native context.

Kempner Institute for the Study of Natural and Artificial Intelligence
The Kempner Institute for the Study of Natural and Artificial Intelligence at Harvard University seeks to better understand the basis of intelligence in natural and artificial systems. It will study AI systems, including artificial neural networks, to develop both principled theories and a practical understanding of how they operate and learn.

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