Community Participation Guidelines

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative hosts and participates in many different communities in service of our mission to build a more inclusive, just, and healthy future for everyone. Within these communities, CZI is committed to supporting an environment where everyone is welcome, and communication is direct, kind, and honest. CZI employees, grantees, partners, and vendors should have an opportunity to participate, contribute, and be heard and valued for their unique skills, perspectives, and experiences.

Our Community Participation Guidelines are expected behaviors for engaging in CZI communities, and reflect our organizational values and DEI principles, including a commitment to fostering truly inclusive work. We hold ourselves accountable to these guidelines and expect all who participate in CZI communities — including internal meetings, external convenings, workshops, online discussions, and other forums — to do the same.


Our Behavior

Be Direct and Kind — We speak directly and honestly, including when we disagree or want to offer feedback. We are kind, thoughtful, and constructive in our interactions.

Practice Inclusion — We intentionally seek a diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints and elevate the different identities at the table. Each of us recognizes our power and confronts our own biases so that others can be fully present.

Make Space — We make space for everyone to contribute. If we find ourselves dominating a discussion, we step back and encourage other voices to join in. We pay attention and listen carefully.

Take Accountability — We hold ourselves accountable, and even if well-intentioned, take responsibility for our impact. If we harm someone through our words or actions, we apologize sincerely and correct our behavior.

Bring Solutions — When we identify a problem, conflict, or gap, we raise it and work to build solutions through authentic engagement, dialogue, and curiosity.


Behavior That Will Not Be Tolerated

Personal Attacks — Conflicts will inevitably arise, but frustration should never turn into a personal attack. It is not okay to insult, demean, or belittle others. This includes sustained “talking over” or “heckling” of speakers.

Derogatory Language — Hurtful or harmful language or actions, or vulgar, discriminating, intimidating, threatening, or harassing behavior is not acceptable. If you’re unsure if a word is derogatory, don’t use it. See also CZI’s EEO, Harassment & Retaliation Policy.

Sexual Attention or Unwelcome Physical Contact — Sexual attention or unwelcome physical contact is not acceptable. This includes sexualized comments, jokes, or imagery in interactions, communications, or written materials, as well as inappropriate touching or sexual advances. See also CZI’s EEO, Harassment & Retaliation Policy.

Breach of Confidentiality — Trust is at the core of our ability to collaborate and to advance our work. If unsure whether you can access, use, disclose, or share information, the expectation is that you ask before disclosing or using.

Violence, Threats of Violence — Violence and threats of violence are not acceptable — online or offline. This includes incitement of violence toward any individual, including encouraging a person to commit self-harm.

Intoxication — Drinking alcohol in excess or misuse of prescription drugs (or use of illegal drugs) while working or participating in CZI communities, or pushing others to do so, or making derogatory comments about those who abstain from alcohol or other substances, is not acceptable.


Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and can result in you being asked to leave an event, meeting, or online space, either temporarily or for the duration of the event, or be banned from future events and activities. For non-CZI employees, inappropriate behavior may be reported to your organization. For CZI employees, violation may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.



Your notification of any concerns is essential to us. CZI cannot help resolve a problem unless we know about it. Bring any concerns to our attention as soon as possible so that we can take necessary steps to address the situation. CZI will not tolerate intimidation or retaliation against any individual who raises a concern in good faith under this policy. For more information see CZI’s Speak Up Policy.

Guidelines inspired by CC BY-SA 3.0