Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis Foundation
Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (RRP), also known as laryngeal papillomatosis and tracheal papillomatosis, is a rare disease that causes benign tumor growth in the aerodigestive tract. RRP is caused by the HPV virus, typically HPV 6 or HPV 11. There is no cure and patients can have surgical intervention counts into the hundreds.
So many of those living with a rare disease, such as RRP, often feel isolated, discouraged, and it is organizations such as the RRPF that are often the lifeline to patient support and disease education. Several years ago, patient leader Kim McClellan became an active advocate for RRP and other RRP warriors, bringing the patient voice and the need for treatment options to a broader audience.
As part of the Rare As One Network, the RRPF aims to elevate the non-surgical treatment options patients desperately long for, as well as galvanize research into a centralized location to help guide a research agenda and elevate the patient voice.