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Nextflow and nf-core
Proposal Summary
To keep the current momentum of initiatives and push forward with new actions for accessibility, internationalization, mentorships and ambassadors.

The Nextflow and nf-core communities are highly decentralized, and holding events online over the past year has provided the team a unique opportunity for online outreach to underrepresented groups and helped identify gaps in current initiatives. This proposal aims to bridge gaps through actively listening and adopting new perspectives as the community grows. To further harbor and encourage diversity within our community, this proposal will develop two mentorship programs specifically targeted at women, LGBTQ+ and underrepresented groups. The program would initially consist of 10 mentors and 10 mentees, who will work together over a six month period. Additionally, while online events can be inclusive, it’s become clear events need to cater to individuals in different time-zones, consider regional norms and be representative of local communities. To that end, this proposal will support funding to hire local community advocates from areas where they currently lack representation, such as South and Central America and the Asia-Pacific regions.
Partner Organization
Seqera Labs is the leading provider of open source workflow orchestration software needed for data pipeline processing, cloud infrastructure, and secure collaboration.