May 19, 2022 · 1 min read

Building Strong Teacher-Student Relationships With the Along Connection Builder Tool

Watch how the principal of Classical Academy high school mentors students through a first-of-its-kind tool.


Dr. Stacey Perez, principal of Classical Academy High School, believes a principal’s job has changed over the years. She wants her office to be a safe place students can go when they need to talk.

“Students do better when they’re mentored,” Stacey says. “It is so important that our students know that somebody believes in them and that they can communicate without being judged.”

Along is a first-of-its-kind teacher-student connection builder that fosters authentic connections using simple, yet powerful, reflection questions.

Watch the video above to learn how Stacey leverages Along to support her student mentees.

Also read: 5 Ways To Support Teacher Well-Being

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