Speak Up Policy

CZI is committed to providing an environment where open and honest communication is the expectation, not the exception. CZI expects all our employees, contractors and partners, such as our grantees, vendors, and online and in-person community and events participants, to conduct business with the highest standards of ethics. This policy encourages all individuals working at or with CZI to promptly report any instance where they have a good faith belief that a policy, law, or community norm is violated.


Avenues of Reporting

CZI has established several different avenues for reporting and/or seeking guidance. Reports can be made in person, verbally, or in writing. Reports to the Ethics Hotline, a third-party reporting service authorized by CZI to receive such reports and route accordingly, may be made via telephone (844-418-7601) or website and may be made anonymously.

We cannot help resolve a problem unless we know about it. Therefore, please bring any concerns to our attention as soon as possible so that we can take whatever steps are necessary to answer your questions and/or address the situation. If in doubt, just reach out!


Review, Investigation and Resolution

We encourage you to identify yourself when making a report in order to facilitate a full and complete review, and investigation when appropriate, but submitting a report anonymously is also an acceptable option. While we welcome anonymous reports, it is important to note that such reports are often harder to look into than those brought by an identified individual. With that in mind, we strongly recommend that you provide as much specific information as possible so that we are able to best look into any concerns and take appropriate action. In the case of anonymous reports, CZI will conduct the review, and investigate when appropriate, with the information that is provided. All reports will be promptly reviewed and investigated when appropriate by an impartial and qualified person and appropriate corrective action will be taken if warranted.



Reports will be treated discreetly, preserving the confidentiality of the reporters to the extent practicable, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation, comply with all applicable laws, and to cooperate with law enforcement authorities.


No Retaliation

This policy is intended to encourage and enable all individuals to raise concerns at the earliest possible opportunity. CZI will not tolerate intimidation or retaliation against any individual who makes a report in good faith under this policy or who participates in an investigation of a report under this policy. Any complaint of retaliation will be promptly investigated and appropriate corrective measures taken.



For questions about this policy reach out to compliance@chanzuckerberg.com or any of the additional contacts listed above under Avenues of Reporting.