Advancing & Professionalizing Careers in Imaging Science
Award Imaging Scientist
Funding Cycle Cycle 1

Jennifer Waters, PhD
Harvard Medical School (Nikon Imaging Center)
Dr. Waters has broad expertise with light microscopes, detectors, and image acquisition software, and a strong working knowledge of image analysis, processing, and data management. She has focused the majority of her career on educating research scientists on best practices in quantitative imaging. In addition to teaching microscopy in graduate program courses at Harvard, she has developed many educational resources for the greater imaging community, including an intensive two-week Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory course and the YouTube channel Microcourses. Dr. Waters also founded the Advanced Microscopy Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program at Harvard, which provides extensive training in microscopy and core facility management for those pursuing a career in imaging science.
Project Description
Dr. Waters seeks to promote and support the imaging scientist career path, and to continue to develop tools and educational resources that help scientists perform rigorous quantitative microscopy experiments. She is developing the website, which collates resources for research scientists using microscopy and image analysis, including courses, meetings, educational materials and job opportunities. She also plans to create a short, intensive course for imaging scientists supporting biological research, which will include strategies for developing effective imaging lectures and laboratory exercises, methods of instrument quality control, and opportunities to enhance reproducibility of imaging research. She looks forward to advising the CZI team of software engineers on areas where they might help enhance the quality and reproducibility of imaging data.