Creating Community & Building Capacity
The imaging of molecules, cells, and tissues are central to biomedical research and clinical practice. Advancing imaging tools and accelerating their use will help drive breakthroughs in curing, preventing, or managing disease. Networks of imaging scientists, imaging software fellows, and researchers around the world are building hubs of imaging expertise for local biomedical researchers. Read more.

Showing 74 results
A New Prototype for Imaging Core Facilities
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Mark Scimone, PhD
Boston Children's Hospital (Cellular Imaging Core)
Adopting Genome-scale Chromatin Tracing in Human Tissues
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to adopt a novel genome-scale chromatin tracing imaging technology to map the 3D organization and regulation of DNA within complex tissues and disseminate this technology to the genomics community
Bogdan Bintu
University of California, San Diego
Quan Zhu
University of California, San Diego
Bing Ren
University of California, San Diego
Neil Chi
University of California, San Diego
Gene Yeo
University of California, San Diego
Yvonne Fondufe-Mittendorf
Van Andel Institute
Advanced Bioimaging with Cutting-Edge Microscopy
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Srigokul Upadhyayula, PhD
University of California, Berkeley (Advanced Bioimaging Center)
Advanced Light Imaging and Spectroscopy
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Martin C. Fischer, PhD
Duke University (Advanced Light Imaging and Spectroscopy Facility)
Advancing & Professionalizing Careers in Imaging Science
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Jennifer Waters, PhD
Harvard Medical School (Nikon Imaging Center)
Advancing Bioimaging Core Services with Artificial Intelligence
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Paul Hernandez-Herrera, PhD
National Autonomous University of Mexico (National Laboratory for Advanced Microscopy)
Advancing Imaging for Basic and Biomedical Sciences
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Scot C. Kuo, PhD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Microscope Facility)
Advancing Microscopy Image Analysis with Citizen Science and Machine Learning
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Helen Spiers, PhD
The Francis Crick Institute (Electron Microscopy Science Technology Platform)
Advancing Multi-Scale Imaging to Catalyze Biomedical Research
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
James Fitzpatrick, PhD
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (Center for Cellular Imaging)
African BioImaging Consortium: Building the African Microscopy Community
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will unite and strengthen a pan-African bioimaging community to support imaging scientists, facilitate increased imaging utilization and empower trans-continental collaboration and advocacy.
Caron Jacobs, PhD
University of Cape Town
Menattallah Elserafy, PhD
Center for Genomics, Zewail City of Science and Technology
Alassane Mbengue, PhD
Institut Pasteur Dakar
Array Tomography Training and Network
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to develop an international array tomography user community via courses and an online hub to increase skills and accessibility, and reveal the scale of biology in health and disease
Martina Schifferer
German Center of Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) Munich
Jemima Burden
University College London
Naomi Kamasawa
Max Planck Florida institute for Neuroscience
Kristina D. Micheva
Stanford University School of Medicine
Thomas Misgeld
Technical University of Munich
Josh Morgan
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Mariano Soiza-Reilly
University of Buenos Aires
Mark Terasaki
University of Connecticut Health Center
Bruno Humbel
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
Beyond Acquisition: Solving Big-data Bottlenecks for Biologists
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Nicholas Condon, PhD
The University of Queensland (Institute for Molecular Bioscience Microscopy Facility)
Bioimage Acquisition and Processing Core: Building Skills in Biomedicine
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This group will encourage the local community’s adoption of bioimaging techniques and image analysis algorithms and expand the number of imaging experts in the field.
Federico Lecumberry, PhD
Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República
Rossana Sapiro, PhD
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República
Bioimaging Network for the Advancement of Biomedical Research (BioIMG Net)
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will foster access to bioimaging technologies in biomedical research in Brazil and Latin America and share knowledge via the existing imaging network, BioImaging Network of Minas Gerais.
Cristina Guatimosim, PhD
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Minas Gerais
Gregory Kitten, PhD
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Rossana Melo, PhD
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
Bridging the Gap Between Quantitative Bioimaging and Bench Scientists
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Caterina Strambio-De-Castillia, PhD
University of Massachusetts Medical School (Biomedical Imaging Group)
Bringing Artificial Intelligence to Biologists
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Thierry Pécot, PhD
Université de Rennes 1 (Microscopy Rennes Imaging Center and Histopathology High Precition)
Building a Bioimaging Network in West Africa
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will establish a self-sustaining and accessible bioimaging hub in Nigeria to serve as a central resource for facilitating life sciences teaching and research across West Africa.
Mahmoud Bukar Maina, PhD
Gordon Akanzuwine Awandare, PhD
West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens, University of Ghana, Legon
Abdul Karim Sesay, PhD
Medical Research Council Unit The Gambia at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Building a Biomedical Imaging Network for Former Soviet Countries
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will form a community of scientists from six former Soviet countries focused on joint educational and scientific activities, including use and sharing of bioimaging equipment and approaches.
Narine Sarvazyan, PhD
Orbeli Institute of Physiology, George Washington University
Naira Ayvazyan, PhD
Orbeli Institute of Physiology
Dzmitry Shcharbin, PhD
Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering
Building a Collaborative Network to Advance Bioimaging in Latin America
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will develop an international collaborative network to improve bioimaging capacities of the Latin America and Caribbean region and expand access to training and technology.
Andrés Kamaid, PhD, MA
Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Lía Pietrasanta, PhD
Centro de Microscopias Avanzadas, Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Kildare Miranda, PhD
Unidade de Microscopia Avançada, Centro Nacional de Biologia Estrutural e Bioimagem, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Building Bioimaging Capacity in South America
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will promote a sustainable network of researchers in South America to extend and link regional capacities in structural biology and bioimaging, and build capacity in integrative bioimaging.
María Natalia Lisa, PhD
Alejandro Buschiazzo, PhD
Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Rodrigo V. Portugal, PhD
Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM)
Building Flamingo Light Sheet Microscopes in South America
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to build and install three mobile Flamingo light sheet microscopes at strategic facilities in Brazil, Uruguay and Chile to promote light sheet research, scientific collaboration and education
Alenka Lovy
Universidad Mayor
Jan Huisken
University of Göttingen
Gregory Kitten
Federal University of Minas Gerais
Michael Weber
University of Göttingen
Vinicius de Toledo Ribas
Federal University of Minas Gerais
Christopher Kushmerick
Federal University of Minas Gerais
Julio Cesar Cardenas
Universidad Mayor
Andres Kamaid
Pasteur Institute of Montevideo
Leonel Malacrida
Pasteur Institute of Montevideo
Felipe Court
Universidad Mayor
Leonardo Valdivia
Universidad Mayor
Collaborating on Customized Imaging Analysis and Community Engagement
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Beth Cimini, PhD
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard (Imaging Platform)
Collaborative Image Analysis and Software Development
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Sara McArdle, PhD
La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI Microscopy Core)
Comprehensive Imaging Education in Biomedical Sciences
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Monika Gooz
Medical University of South Carolina
COMULISglobe: Multimodal Imaging across Scales in Life Sciences
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to harness the power of multimodal imaging across scales from basic research to clinical diagnostics, facilitate access, and train a new generation of scientists
Andreas Walter
Aalen University
John Eriksson
Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez
University of Gothenburg
Jan Grimm
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Lize Engelbrecht
Stellenbosch University
Claudia Kuntner-Hannes
Medical University of Vienna
Kirsi Lorentz
The Cyprus Institute
Perrine Paul-Gilloteaux
University of Nantes
Paula Sampaio
University of Porto
Nataša Sladoje
Uppsala University
Paul Verkade
University of Bristol
Connecting BioImage Analysis Expertise with Imaging Technology at Core Facilities
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Gisele Miranda, PhD
KTH Royal Institute of Technology (BioImage Informatics Facility)
Karolinska Institutet (Live Cell Imaging Facility)
Connecting the Mexican Bioimaging Community
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will form a network of imaging core facilities of advanced microscopy in México through an educational workshop program that will bring together imaging and biomedical researchers.
Diego Delgado-Álvarez, PhD
Ensenada Center for Scientific Research and Higher Education
Christopher Wood, PhD
Instituto de Biotecnología-UNAM
Adán Guerrero, PhD
Instituto de Biotecnología-UNAM
Correlative Cryo-Fluorescence Microscopy and Electron Tomography in Tissues
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Georg Ramm, PhD
Monash University (Monash Ramaciotti Centre for Cryo-Electron Microscopy)
Curated Imaging Science Education for Learners and Trainers
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to develop a curated open access online optical microscopy and image analysis education resource for both learners and trainers, designed for independent learning with remote support from experts
Anna Jost
Harvard Medical School
Jennifer Waters
Harvard Medical School
Beth Cimini
Broad Institute
Bryan Millis
Vanderbilt University
Gleb Grebnev
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Uri Manor
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Abhishek Kumar
Marine Biological Laboratory
Michelle Itano
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Martin Fischer
Duke University
Talley Lambert
Harvard Medical School
Democratizing Imaging for Infectious Disease Research in Africa
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Caron Jacobs, PhD
University of Cape Town (Confocal and Light Microscope Imaging Facility)
Democratizing Microscopy Across Brazil
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will democratize access to intravital microscopy in Brazil and empower institutions to establish the technique regionally, including by training post-docs and sharing low-cost solutions.
Gustavo Menezes, PhD
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Heitor Paula-Neto, PhD
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Detecting Disease-Related Structural Changes in Neurological Disorders
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Pramod Pisharady, PhD
University of Minnesota (Center for Magnetic Resonance Research)
Developing a Latin American Light-Sheet Bioimaging Hub
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will develop a light-sheet microscopy hub in Latin America through organizing educational events, providing remote light-sheet imaging and training researchers to build light-sheet microscopes.
Alenka Lovy, PhD
Felipe Court, PhD
Universidad Mayor
Leonardo Valdivia, PhD
Universidad Mayor
Developing a National Center for Doctoral Training in Microscopy
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Kerry Thompson, PhD
National University of Ireland Galway (Centre for Microscopy and Imaging)
Developing an Advanced Bioimaging Core in Latin America
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Leonel Malacrida, PhD
Institut Pasteur de Montevideo-Universidad de la República del Uruguay (Advanced Bioimaging Unit)
Developing New Image Acquisition and Analysis Strategies
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Jennifer Peters, PhD
University of Michigan (BRCF Microscopy Core)
Disseminating Chemical-based Super-resolution Microscopy
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to disseminate the chemical-based, super-resolution microscopy method called Label-Retention Expansion Microscopy to 120 labs and imaging core facilities in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa
Xiaoyu Shi
University of California, Irvine
Leonel Malacrida
Pasteur Institute of Montevideo
Tatsuo Fukagawa
Osaka University
Elizabeth Head
University of California, Irvine
Empowering Biologists with Deep Learning Approaches for Image Analysis
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Katarzyna Kedziora, PhD
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Bioinformatics & Analytics Research Collaborative)
Enabling Structural Cell Biology at UCSF via a CryoEM Tomography Center
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Garrett Greenan, PhD
University of California, San Francisco (Center for Advanced CryoEM)
Enabling Volume Electron Microscopy: Building a Global Community and Resources
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to accelerate the adoption of volume electron microscopy technology in the scientific community by building effective resources, expanding the global community, and emphasizing outreach and dissemination
Kirk Czymmek
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Michele Darrow
Rosalind Franklin Institute
Paul Verkade
University of Bristol
Jemima Burden
University College London
Georgina Fletcher
The Royal Microscopical Society
Alice Liang
New York University Langone Health
Martyn Winn
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Anwen Bullen
University College London
Leandro Lemgruber Soares
University of Glasgow
Raffaella Carzaniga
Francis Crick Institute
Chris Peddie
Francis Crick Institute
Enhancing the Role of a Microscopy Core Facility to Catalyze Biomedical Research
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Michelle S. Itano, PhD
University of North Carolina (UNC) Chapel Hill (UNC Neuroscience Microscopy Core)
Expanding Access to Advanced Bioimaging Technology in Latin America
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will increase the Advanced Bioimaging Unit’s outreach to users in the region, programs for bioimaging adoption, and training with fellowships targeting trainers and users.
Leonel Malacrida, PhD
Andres Kamaid, PhD
Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
Expanding Access to Biomedical Imaging Infrastructure
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will enhance the competence and capacity of the Core Facility of Biomedical Imaging at the Medical Faculty of the University of Tartu and open it to external users from Baltic states.
Allen Kaasik, PhD
Expanding Access to Preclinical Imaging in Biomedical Research
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Emily Waters, PhD
Northwestern University (Center for Advanced Molecular Imaging)
Expanding Latin American Cryo-EM Biomedical Research
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will perform world-class research using software and hardware instrumentation at the CNPEM Cryo-EM imaging facility, while educating a new generation of scientists.
Marin van Heel, Prof Dr Ir
Rodrigo V. Portugal, PhD
Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM)
Fast Mass Spectrometry Imaging for Immunohistochemistry
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to validate fast microscopy-based mass spectrometry imaging for immunohistochemistry and disseminate these technologies
Ian Anthony
Maastricht University
Sebastiaan Van Nuffel
Maastricht University
Bernd Bodenmiller
ETH Zurich
Neil Christensen
Pennsylvania State University
Yusheng Zhu
Pennsylvania State University
Jiafen Hu
Pennsylvania State College of Medicine
Fluorescence Nanoscopy in Bioimaging
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will expand regional and global access to nanoscopic bioimaging by facilitating access to advanced imaging infrastructure and knowledge in Latin America.
Mariano Buffone, PhD
Adán Guerrero, PhD
Laboratorio Nacional de Microscopía Avanzada, Instituto de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Hosting an Interdisciplinary Intercontinental Imaging Workshop
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to run an interdisciplinary imaging workshop and deliver a two-week training program in microscopy and biomedical imaging with inclusion from various geographical regions
Antje Keppler
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Caron Jacobs
University of Cape Town
Richard Cole
Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities
Michael Reiche
University of Cape Town
Mahmoud Maina
Yobe State University
Naira Ayvazyan
Orbeli Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of RA
Udunna Anazodo
McGill University
Johanna Bischof
Christopher Wood
The National Autonomous University of Mexico
Improving scikit-image and the Scientific Python Ecosystem for Bioimaging
Imaging Software Fellows
Juan Nunez-Iglesias
Monash University
Innovating Image Analysis Services with Computer Science Expertise
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Anthony Santella, PhD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Innovating New Imaging Technologies and Catalyzing Collaborations
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Abhishek Kumar, PhD
Marine Biological Laboratory (Eugene Bell Center for Regenerative Biology and Tissue Engineering)
Kinetic Modelling and Analysis of Total-Body PET Imaging Datasets
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Adriana Tavares, PhD
The University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh Preclinical Imaging)
Latin American Hub for Bioimaging Through Open Hardware
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will train Latin American researchers in the use of low-cost, open source bioimaging hardware through workshops, seminars, networking and online resources adapted to local needs and languages.
Tobias Wenzel, PhD
Pablo Irarrazaval, PhD
Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering
Vicente Parot, PhD
Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering
Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy of Living Cells
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Brandon Scott, PhD
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, SDSMT (BioSystems Networks & Translational Research, BioSNTR)
Making Novel Microscopy Technologies Accessible
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Nico Stuurman, PhD
University of California, San Francisco (Center for Advanced Light Microscopy)
Microscopy Tools for Automation and Feedback
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Robert Hauschild, PhD
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (BioImaging Facility)
Miniaturized 2-Photon Microscope Imaging Validation and Dissemination
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to validate a novel, portable 2-photon miniscope for calcium imaging in five labs using it for different purposes in different species, brain areas and cell types, and to disseminate it to new users
Edvard Moser
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Tobias Bonhoeffer
Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence
Tobias Rose
University of Bonn
Catherine Dulac
Harvard University
Tommaso Fellin
Italian Institute of Technology
Manfred Gahr
Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence
Molecular Diagnosis of Brain Tumors with Stimulated Raman Histology
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to create a collaborative and international Stimulated Raman Histology (SRH) imaging ecosystem for rapid and scalable molecular diagnosis of brain tumors
Todd Hollon
University of Michigan
Daniel Orringer
New York University
Shawn Hervery-Jumper
University of California, San Francisco
Michael Ivan
University of Miami
Voker Neuschmelting
University Hospital Cologne
Chris Freudiger
Invenio Imaging, Inc.
Honglak Lee
University of Michigan
Jakob Straehle
University Hospital Freiburg
Next-Gen Computational Tools for Collaborative and Quantitative Neuroimaging
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Ryan Cabeen, PhD
University of Southern California (Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and Informatics Institute)
Open Dissemination of Novel Imaging Tools for the Research Community
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Uri Manor, PhD
Salk Institute for Biological Studies (Waitt Advanced Biophotonics Core)
openScopes Africa: Locally Accessible Microscopy and Training
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to increase access to light microscopy for African scientists through low-cost, modular open-source instruments and training, enabling microscopy users to configure and maintain their own instruments
Paul French
Imperial College London
Sunil Kumar
Imperial College London
Christopher Dunsby
Imperial College London
Caron Jacobs
University of Cape Town
Michael Reiche
University of Cape Town
Digby Warner
University of Cape Town
Optical Imaging with Light Sheet Microscopy
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Holly Gibbs, PhD
Texas A&M University (Microscopy and Imaging Center)
Optimizing Imaging Protocols and Software for Live Animal Imaging
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Douglas J. Rowland, PhD
University of California, Davis (Center for Molecular and Genomic Imaging)
Providing Imaging Expertise and Training for Researchers
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Caroline Magnain, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital (Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging)
Recruiting Imaging Scientists for Cryotomogram Machine Learning Interpretation
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to expand the number of scientists working on image AI for cryotomography, incorporate new ideas from the broader image AI community, and provide software and annotated datasets for the cryo-ET community
Gus Hart
Brigham Young University
Grant Jensen
Brigham Young University
Bryan Morse
Brigham Young University
Society for Knowledge Exchange in BioImage Analysis
Advancing Imaging Through Collaborative Projects
to secure the sustainability of the Network of European Bioimage Analysts, establish strong connections to similar initiatives, and share knowledge about state-of-the-art bioimage analysis tools and methods
Robert Haase
DFG Cluster of Excellence "Physics of Life", TU Dresden
Kota Miura
University of Gothenburg
Christian Tischer
EMBL Heidelberg
Florian Levet
Bordeaux Imaging Center
Paula Sampaio
University of Porto
Clara Prats
University of Copenhagen
Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez
University of Gothenburg
Rocco D’Antuono
Francis Crick Institute
Simon F. Nørrelykke
Harvard Medical School
Elnaz Fazeli
University of Helsinki
Beth Cimini
Broad Institute
Strengthening MRI Education & Research in African Countries
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will provide researchers and clinicians in Africa the requisite technical support to accelerate and advance Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) education, research and clinical translation.
Godwin Ogbole, MD
University of Ibadan
Johnes Obungoloch, PhD
Mbarara University of Science and Technology
Edward Nganga, MBChB, MMed
Aga Khan University
Udunna C. Anazodo, PhD
Western University
Supporting Image Analysis and Computational Infrastructure
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Christian Tischer, PhD
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (Advanced Light Microscopy Facility)
Supporting ImageJ and Fiji and Expanding its Contributors
Imaging Software Fellows
Curtis T. Rueden
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Supporting the Open-Source CellProfiler Codebase
Imaging Software Fellows
Nodar Gogoberidze
Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Training and Mentoring Imaging Scientists and Building Imaging Communities
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Claire Brown, PhD
McGill University (Advanced BioImaging Facility)
Training in Cryo-EM for Southern Africa
Expanding Global Access to Bioimaging
This team will run a series of hands-on and remote workshops to increase the use of cryo-EM in the Southern Africa region.
Jeremy Woodward, PhD
University of Cape Town
Robert Knutsen, PhD
University of Cape Town
Mohamed Jaffer, PhD
University of Cape Town
Unlocking New Biological Research with Modular and Shareable “Flamingo” Light Sheet Microscopes
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 1)
Michael Weber, PhD
Morgridge Institute for Research, in affiliation with the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Flamingo Project)
Widening the Lens: Illuminating Talent with Immersive Microscopy Education
Imaging Scientists (Cycle 2)
Bryan Millis, PhD
Vanderbilt University (Cell Imaging Shared Resource and the Vanderbilt Biophotonics Center)