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DeepLabCut: A Software Package for Animal Pose Estimation

Project DeepLabCut
Funding Cycle 4

Proposal Summary

To provide maintenance, user-focused extensions, education, and support of the growing DeepLabCut software community.



The past year has shown a massive growth in the DeepLabCut user base, demonstrating the need for more than one full-time developer to maintain the code and assist the community. This funding will go to hiring a new community manager to help grow the project and provide community support, to maintaining a position for our current software engineer, and finally, to work towards planning for in-person workshops and hackathons in 2022 and beyond. The team is working towards adding another team member who is focused on community support, conducting active outreach to help diversify community, building equity in open source communities, and identifying the needs of users. This also includes continually evaluating docs and related codebase, nurturing the user base, and reaching out to potential new contributors for focused onboarding to the project.

Key Personnel

Mackenzie Mathis
Alexander Mathis