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PsychoPy3: Essential Open Source Software for Neuroscience and Psychology

Projects PsychoPy, PsychoJS
Funding Cycle 1

Proposal Summary

To create a smoother experience for PsychoPy users by detecting potential problems in user-created experiments before they are launched, and by increasing the test coverage within the application code itself.



PsychoPy is one of the leading packages in experimental psychology and neurosciences. It is extremely easy to use, precise in its timing and measurements, and flexible enough to support a huge range of studies in the field. PsychoPy is working on providing a smoother user experience and more robust automated testing system.

Key Personnel

Jonathan Peirce
David Bridges
Alain Pitiot



PsychoJS is the JavaScript port of the PsychoPy library and shares most of the resources with that library. PsychoJS aims to support the highest level of performance possible in an online study by using hardware accelerated graphics (WebGL), just as the Python package does. According to our recent measurements, PsychoJS has the best temporal precision in measuring reaction times in its class.

Key Personnel

Jonathan Peirce
Alain Pitiot