
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative makes grants* to organizations working in support of our mission. Grants are awarded via various funding entities. Since our launch in 2015, CZI has committed over $6.98 billion in grants. This database of our grant giving is retroactive to 2018 and is updated twice a year. See additional information below on the database terms and disclosure timeline. To learn more about our grantees, visit the CZI Newsroom.

*Grants and grantmaking refer to our various charitable funding types, including grants, gifts, awards, charitable sponsorships, and program-related investments (PRIs).

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Grants Recipients Directory List
Name Description Amount /
Commitment Year
Category (Program) Funding Entity



Amount / Commitment Year

Category (Program)

Funding Entity

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Database Terms

Grants disclosed in the database from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Foundation and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative DAF are from 2018 through June 2024 and are updated twice a year. Outside of the grants disclosed in the above database, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative also makes grants that are short-term, discretionary, or exploratory in nature. Racial Equity grants represent funds starting in 2021. These grants do not include other key investments with a diversity, equity and inclusion lens made to date.

Giving from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Advocacy, a 501(c)4 organization

Unlike charitable donations from a 501(c)3, some donations from a 501(c)4 are subject to additional local, state, and federal reporting requirements. We update our grants from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Advocacy, our 501(c)4 entity, to align with all applicable local, state, and federal public disclosure requirements (including our annual IRS Form 990 federal disclosures). Grants disclosed from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Advocacy are retroactive to January 2018.