Training and Mentoring Imaging Scientists and Building Imaging Communities
Award Imaging Scientist
Funding Cycle Cycle 2
Claire Brown, PhD
McGill University (Advanced BioImaging Facility)
Dr. Brown has worked in the field of light microscopy at the interface between cell biology and biophysics for over 25 years. She develops, adapts, and applies biophysical tools to living samples to gain an understanding of how proteins regulate cellular function. Central to her work are optimization of live cell imaging methods, quality control metrics for rigor and reproducibility, and quantitative image analysis. Under her leadership, the Advanced BioImaging Facility (ABIF) has developed into one of Canada’s leading light microscopy facilities. The ABIF trains hundreds of researchers each year on how to measure dynamic cellular processes, cellular and sub-cellular morphologies, and protein interactions in order to address their research questions. Educational initiatives include one-on-one training sessions, interactive workshops, advanced microscopy courses, and virtual workshops. Dr. Brown has helped build research and training networks across Canada (Canadian Network of Scientific Platforms, Canada BioImaging) and North America (BioImaging North America) and is the Canadian representative for Global BioImaging.
Project Description
Developing and effectively delivering comprehensive training programs is key for the implementation of quantitative bioimaging tools that are capable of addressing today’s scientific questions. Extraordinarily fast technological advancement means that imaging scientists must continuously expand their expertise to ensure ongoing high-quality training. This project will develop train-the-trainer programs to directly train imaging scientists in advanced microscopy technologies, including light sheet microscopy, high content imaging, and artificial intelligence and machine learning for quantitative image analysis and data management. This training will enable imaging scientists to remain at the forefront and offer training in their own facilities. These programs will be streamlined and disseminated within the Canadian, North American, and international imaging communities, ultimately leading to a network of highly trained imaging scientists who can support thousands of researchers across the globe.