Jul 5, 2017 · 1 min read

Empowering Teachers


Jim Shelton:  Empowering learners begins with empowering the teachers that guide and support them.

Our partners at the New Teacher Center (NTC) aim to develop, train, and support teachers in their first and second year of teaching by providing mentorship and feedback to help them grow. NTC’s goal of focusing on teacher development is a research-backed best practice that has been proven to make an impact in schools.

In fact, according to the recent final results from an evaluative i3 Validation grant, NTC’s new teacher mentorship program helped increase the amount that students learned in a school year — up to 5 months of additional progress in reading and math.

This result makes a lot of sense — if you invest in training teachers to be their best in the classroom, the students benefit. We’re proud to support innovative research-backed models like NTC to help teachers do their best work.

A study of the New Teacher Center’s grant program found that student outcomes in math and English/language arts improve when first- and second-year teachers…
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