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Raising Diversity and Internationalization in PsychoPy

Project PsychoPy
Partner Organization Open Science Tools Limited
Funding Cycle D&I

Proposal Summary

To hire a dedicated Communities Champion, running code-sprints and contributor workshops and translating our desktop app into additional languages.


Proposed Work

This proposal seeks to raise diversity at all stages of the user journey by hiring a dedicated member of staff, Community Development Champion, to develop these targeted initiatives such as providing software in the native languages of users. The team will develop a program of contributor workshops, including a combination of virtual workshops to maximize reach, and in-person code-sprints so that new contributors meet and chat with the longer-standing team members. Additionally, in order to understand whether these initiatives increased our community diversity, the team will survey users and contributors via social media and our forum.

Partner Organization

Open Science Tools Limited

Open Science Tools (OST)’s mission is to facilitate and promote Open Science with high-quality, minimal-cost tools.