Dec 2, 2021 · 4 min read

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Announces $7 Million in Grants to Organizations Supporting San Mateo County Communities

75 Community Fund Grant Partners Support the Economic and Social Well-being of Communities Across San Mateo County

December 2, 2022 | Community Fund partners are organizations expanding access to the building blocks of social and economic well-being, and driving civic engagement so people have the opportunity to shape their lives and communities. | Illustration by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) today announced it will commit $7 million in grants to 75 organizations working to build equity and opportunity in communities across San Mateo County. Organizations will receive funding through the fifth annual Community Fund, which pairs grantmaking with collaborative capacity building programming to support leadership and organizational development so organizations have the resources and tools to further their missions and work.

The Community Fund has continued to evolve since launching in 2017 to elevate community voice, center racial equity, and move toward more trust-based practices, driven by recommendations from partners and community members. Updates to the Fund this year include an expanded geographic reach and budget to serve communities across San Mateo County, multi-year funding, and the launch of a participatory grantmaking review panel that engaged community members across the County as part of the grant funding decision-making process.

2022 Community Fund partners will receive two-year grants up to $200,000 to work with communities most impacted by systemic inequities and to provide resources and services to support basic needs. In addition, partners will have access to capacity building programs and support designed to develop leadership, build infrastructure, and seed collaboration. 

“Community Fund partners know what communities need most and how to have the greatest impact, and we want the program to reflect that,” said Cristina Huezo, Vice President of Community at CZI. “Our goal this year was to expand our support for organizations working across San Mateo County through a community-centered and trust-based approach, and we are grateful for their thoughtful inputs on how to improve and shape the program this year and going forward.”  

2022 Community Fund grant partners include:

  • Able Works
  • Anamatangi Polynesian Voices
  • Art in Action
  • Ayudando Latinos A Soñar
  • BottleTree Culture
  • Boys & Girls Clubs of the Peninsula
  • California Clubhouse
  • Casa Circulo Cultural
  • Catholic Charities
  • Centro Community Partners
  • Children’s Health Council
  • Chicana Latina Foundation
  • CityTeam
  • Climate Resilient Communities
  • Community Hub of the Coastside
  • Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse
  • Counseling and Support Services for Youth
  • East Palo Alto Academy Foundation
  • Eastside College Preparatory School
  • Ecumenical Hunger Program
  • Edgewood Center for Children and Families
  • El Concilio of San Mateo County
  • Faith In Action Bay Area
  • Family Connections
  • Five Keys Schools and Programs
  • Free At Last: Community Recovery and Rehabilitation Services
  • Fresh Lifelines for Youth
  • Friends for Youth
  • Generations United
  • Girls To Women
  • Health Connected
  • Hear Us: Youth for Restorative Justice
  • Heart and Soul
  • Herban Health
  • HIP Housing
  • Home & Hope
  • Housing Choices
  • IEP Collaborative
  • Immigration Institute of the Bay Area
  • JobTrain
  • Juma Ventures
  • Justice At Last
  • La Raza Centro Legal, San Francisco
  • Legal Aid Society of San Mateo County
  • Live in Peace 
  • The Multicultural Institute
  • My New Red Shoes
  • Nuestra Casa de East Palo Alto
  • Oasis Legal Services
  • One East Palo Alto Neighborhood Improvement Initiative
  • One Life Counseling Center
  • PAHALI Community Land Trust
  • Palo Alto Art Center Foundation
  • Pangea Legal Services
  • Peninsula College Fund
  • Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center
  • The People’s Music School
  • Pie Ranch
  • Pilipino Bayanihan Resource Center
  • Ravenswood Family Health Network
  • Rebuilding Together Peninsula
  • ReEvolution
  • Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center
  • San Francisco 49ers Academy
  • San Mateo County Health Foundation
  • St. Vincent de Paul of San Mateo County
  • Stanford Children’s Health (Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital) Teen Health Van
  • StarVista
  • Success Centers
  • There With Care of the Bay Area
  • Upward Scholars
  • WeHOPE
  • Year Up
  • Youth Community Service 
  • Youth Leadership Institute

The CZI Community Fund supports local organizations that are increasing access to the building blocks of social and economic well-being, like housing, healthcare, education, job and career skills, and supporting civic engagement so people have the opportunity to shape their communities. Learn more about the 2022 CZI Community Fund recipients at


About the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

Founded by Dr. Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg in 2015, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) is a new kind of philanthropy that’s leveraging technology to help solve some of the world’s toughest challenges — from eradicating disease, to improving education, to reforming the criminal justice system. Across three core Initiative focus areas of Science, Education, and Justice & Opportunity, we’re pairing engineering with grant-making, impact investing, and policy and advocacy work to help build an inclusive, just and healthy future for everyone. For more information, please visit

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