Nov 2, 2017 · 2 min read

Support for Partners Working to Address Affordable Housing in the Bay Area


PICO California, the Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California, Working Partnerships USA, and East Bay Housing Organizations formed a coalition to work together to develop regional solutions to address the affordable housing crisis in the Bay Area. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is supporting these organizations as they plan and collaborate.

“We’re all in this together and now is the time for big bold solutions.” – Amie Fishman, Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California

A coalition of community organizations is working together to develop regional solutions to address the affordable housing crisis in the Bay Area. It’s often difficult for community groups like theirs to get the funding they need to plan and collaborate. That’s why we’re supporting these organizations through their planning process, as they work to create new approaches to help make housing more affordable by tackling this issue from different angles.

PICO California is a faith-based organization working to create innovative solutions to address disparities in the Bay Area, including work to protect tenants’ rights. Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) collaborates with affordable housing developers, community leaders and businesses to increase access to affordable homes. Working Partnerships USA is building the capacity of workers in communities most impacted by the housing crisis to lead and govern. East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO) works to prevent displacement in the East Bay by educating, advocating, organizing, and building coalitions.

We look forward to learning from them as they continue their work to engage local communities in support of housing solutions for the Bay Area

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