Sharing Platforms
We support sharing platforms that enable accessing and sharing research processes and open outputs—methods and protocols, data, code, results— easily, and as early as possible in the research cycle. Whether through supporting preprints in the life sciences community, or allowing researchers to efficiently develop, reproduce, reuse, and publish experimental protocols and research methods, we believe we can accelerate the pace of research by making these outputs available to everyone.
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Promoting preprints and open, rapid dissemination in the life sciences

Preprint servers allow scientists to rapidly share results and manuscripts before they are peer reviewed.

To build an open source solution to power commenting, review, assessment, and discussion initiatives and provide a platform for the evolution of peer review.

To make preprint review and other editorial processes machine-readable and discoverable.

To improve technology and research culture to support a more open and participatory ecosystem for the public review of preprints.

Sharing Methods to Accelerate Reproducible Science

To support the creation of resource tables for preprints on bioRxiv.

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