Frontiers of Imaging

Biological systems are extremely complex and have emergent properties that cannot be explained or even predicted by studying their individual parts alone. We must integrate across biological levels of investigation to gain a deeper mechanistic understanding of biological systems and build better theories and models of the factors that influence health and disease states, as well as design more effective therapies. We are driving the discovery of new imaging technologies through multiple grant programs that span the full range of molecular to organismal imaging, focusing on integrating between scales giving us unprecedented views of biological systems. Read more.

T lymphocytes (orange), a type of white blood cell, attack a cancer cell (blue).
T lymphocytes (orange), a type of white blood cell, attack a cancer cell (blue).

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Showing 81 results

3D Dynamics Quantification with Differential Dynamic Light-Field Microscopy

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 3

to develop differential dynamic light-field microscopy, a novel computational microscopy technique to quantify 3D dynamics applicable to scales spanning organism-wide to intracellular

Lei Tian, PhD

Boston University

Ryan McGorty, PhD

University of San Diego

4D Imaging and Tracking to Resolve Organelle Form vs Function

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 2

This project will develop an imaging technology that can simultaneously probe 4D organelle dynamics in combination with a functional metabolic readout at high spatial and temporal resolutions.

Johannes Schoeneberg, PhD

University of California, San Diego

Alex Walsh, PhD

Texas A&M University

A Chemical Biology Approach for All-in-One Cryo-CLEM Probes

Cryo-CLEM Labels

to deliver all-in-one SNAP-tag labels containing a fluorophore and a gold nanoparticle to live cells to elucidate protein structures by cryo-CLEM and cryo-ET

Johannes Broichhagen

Leibniz-FMP Berlin

Daniel Roderer

Leibniz-FMP Berlin

A Pulsed Laser Phase Plate for High-Resolution Cryo-electron Tomography

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This project will develop a pulsed ponderomotive phase plate that allows in-focus phase contrast of cryo-EM specimens, resulting in a highly tunable contrast transfer function intent on revolutionizing our understanding of biology.

Anthony Fitzpatrick, PhD

Columbia University

A Sequential Imaging Platform for Multiplexed Profiling in Living Systems

Dynamic Imaging

to develop a highly multiplexed, quantitative, orthogonal, and automated fluorescence imaging technique for spatiotemporal RNA/protein profiling in single living cells

Mingxu You

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Tingyi Liu

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Sallie Schneider

University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, Baystate

Anatomical to Cellular Synchrotron Imaging of the Whole Human Body

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1

This project will achieve transformations in X-ray tomography technology by enabling cellular-level imaging anywhere in whole organisms, including human bodies, providing insight at multiple anatomical levels.

Peter Lee, DPhil (Oxon), FREng

University College London

Paul Tafforeau, PhD

European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

Rebecca Shipley, PhD

University College London

Biomolecular Ultrasound for Deep Tissue Imaging of Cellular Functions

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1

This project will develop genetically encodable biomolecular tools that will enable ultrasound to image specific cellular functions deep inside the body.

Mikhail Shapiro, PhD

California Institute of Technology

Bond-selective Intensity Diffraction Tomography

Dynamic Imaging

to develop a computational mid-infrared photothermal microscope, a deep-learning algorithm, and nitrile probes for 3D bond-selective imaging of live cells and multicellular organisms

Ji-Xin Cheng

Boston University

Lei Tian

Boston University

Bing Xu

Brandeis University

Breaking the Ballistic Barrier with Coherent Nonlinear Imaging

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 2

to exploit properties of coherent nonlinear light scattering to break the ballistic barrier for imaging in tissue at unprecedented depths

Randy Bartels

Morgridge Institute for Research and the University of Wisconsin, Madison

Hilton Barbosa de Aguiar

CNRS, Kastler-Brossel Laboratory

Anne Sentenac

Institut Fresnel, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University

Hervé Rigneault

Institut Fresnel, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University

Paul Campagnola

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Kevin Eliceiri

University of Wisconsin, Madison and the Morgridge Institute for Research

Chemically Triggered Probes for High-Resolution, Multiplexed Imaging

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This team will develop a general strategy for high-resolution, multiplexed imaging of dynamic protein interactions in live cells, using biocompatible (bioorthogonal) probes.

Jennifer Prescher, PhD

University of California, Irvine

Xiaoyu Shi, PhD

University of California, Irvine

Chip-scale Light Sheet for High Spatiotemporal Resolution Imaging

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 1

This project will develop a chip that generates a light source suitable for light sheet microscopy in order to decrease the cost of this technology.

Aseema Mohanty, PhD

Tufts University

Srigokul Upadhyayula, PhD

University of California, Berkeley

Clonable In-situ Label for High-resolution Cellular Imaging

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This project will develop a widely-adaptable, cloneable label to enable visualization of macromolecular complexes inside cells at near-atomic resolution.

Daniela Nicastro, PhD

UT Southwestern Medical Center

Cloneable Quantum Dots

Cryo-CLEM Labels

to evaluate a cloneable fluorescent zinc-selenide quantum dot in cellular light and electron microscopy, and to develop a cloneable bismuth quantum dot as a significantly smaller cloneable quantum dot

Christopher Ackerson

Colorado State University

Combining Light and Sound for Deep Fluorescence Microscopy

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1

This project will use a novel, multidisciplinary approach aimed at overcoming the current limitations of wavefront shaping microscopy to enable truly deep biological imaging.

Sylvain Gigan, PhD

Sorbonne Université

Robert Prevedel, PhD

European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Claire Deo, PhD

European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Computational Mesoscope for Ultrafast Multiscale 3D Imaging

Dynamic Imaging

to develop a computational mesoscope combining miniature freeform optics, a metasurface diffuser, an event-based camera, and deep-learning algorithms to enable ultrafast multiscale 3D fluorescence imaging

Lei Tian

Boston University

Abdoulaye Ndao

Boston University

Sixian You

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Computational Microscopy with Multiple-Scattering Samples

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1

This team will apply new computational microscopy techniques to reconstruct a sample’s 3D light scattering potential and digitally correct scattering effects.

Laura Waller, PhD

University of California, Berkeley

Shwetadwip Chowdhury, PhD

University of Texas at Austin

Correlation Engineering for Deep Multiphoton Microscopy

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 2

to enhance multiphoton excitation efficiency by orders of magnitude by engineering both quantum and classical ultrafast photon correlations, thereby surpassing fundamental depth limits

Hui Cao

Yale University

Logan Wright

Yale University

Tianyu Wang

Boston University

Chris Xu

Cornell University

Correlative Cryo-electron Tomography Pipeline of Plasma Membrane Complexes

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This team will develop protocols and software to build a universal pipeline for solving protein and organelle structures.

Justin Taraska, PhD

National Institutes of Health

Jenny Hinshaw, PhD

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Naoko Mizuno, PhD

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Creating a Pipeline for Expanded Access to Volumetric Visual Proteomics

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This team will build a cost-effective pipeline for visual proteomics to increase access to advanced imaging technologies.

Lucy Collinson, PhD

Francis Crick Institute

Paul French, PhD

Imperial College London

Ricardo Henriques, PhD

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência and University College London

Creating de novo Bio-light for Bioimaging & Cell Therapy Monitoring

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 2

to create far-red/near-infrared luminescent probes by using AI-driven protein design to revolutionize molecular imaging in deep tissue and enable functional monitoring of cell-based therapeutics

Andy Yeh

University of California, Santa Cruz

Ming-Ru Wu

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School

Jennifer Prescher

University of California, Irvine

Michelle Digman

University of California, Irvine

Cryo-CLEM Labels for Minimizing Artifacts and Background

Cryo-CLEM Labels

to provide a tagging system for unambiguously localizing proteins at endogenous levels by cryo-light microscopy and cryo-electron tomography with minimal impact on protein function and low background

Florian Fäßler

Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire / Centre Europeen de Recherche en Biologie et en Medecine


Cryo-CLEM Labels

to optimize EMcapsulins, a set of multiplexable EM labels based on capsids engineered to enzymatically sequester electron-dense matter for high contrast-to-background, low invasiveness cryo-CLEM

Felix Sigmund

Technical University of Munich

Marion Jasnin

Helmholtz Munich

CryoMinflux-guided In-situ Visual Proteomics and Structure Determination

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This team will develop a novel cryo-superresolution microscope to improve the accuracy of contextualized protein locations with an emphasis on developing open-source tools to guide structure determination.

Johann Danzl, PhD, MD

Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Florian Schur, PhD

Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Deep Tissue Photoacoustic Imaging with Degradable Inorganic Nanoparticles

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 1

This team will develop semiconductor metal nanoparticles as infrared probes for photoacoustic imaging and apply the technology to observing vascular development of the placenta.

Allison Dennis, PhD

Boston University

Carolyn Bayer, PhD

Tulane University

Deep Tissue Short-Wave Infrared Multiphoton Microscopy

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1

This project will pioneer short-wave infrared multiphoton microscopy, transforming intravital microscopy into a non-invasive technology.

Oliver Bruns, Dr. rer. nat.

Helmholtz Zentrum München

Ellen Sletten, PhD

University of California, Los Angeles

Dr. Christopher Rowlands

Imperial College London

Democratizing Access to Macroscopic Bioimaging

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 2

This team seeks to develop a modular, inexpensive, open-source, multi-modal in vivo imaging system to democratize access to bioimaging.

Joshua Brake, PhD

Harvey Mudd College

Kevin Cash, PhD

Colorado School of Mines

Designing On-Demand Assembled Fiducial Tags for Cryo-ET

Cryo-CLEM Labels

to design and develop chemo-genetically controlled, self-assembling, asymmetric, readily recognizable, and alignable fiducial tags for cryo-ET and cryo-CLEM

Kliment A Verba

University of California, San Francisco

Tanja Kortemme

University of California, San Francisco

Developing Multi-Angle Synthesized Ultrasound Tomography

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 3

to develop multi-angle synthesized ultrasound tomography (MASUT) to synthesize speckle-free and large field-of-view volumetric ultrasound images from natural hand motion

Shwetadwip Chowdhury, PhD

University of Texas at Austin

Heather M. Whitney, PhD

University of Chicago

*supported by the Walder Foundation

Developing New Computational Imaging Techniques to Image Dynamic Events in Tissue

Dynamic Imaging

to develop 4D space-time imaging methods to invert dynamic tissue scattering and reconstruct time-lapse volumetric videos of living tissue samples at kilohertz-scale frame-rates

Shwetadwip Chowdhury

University of Texas at Austin

Jonathan Tamir

University of Texas at Austin

Development of Self-Assembling Cryo-CLEM Labels by de novo Protein Design

Cryo-CLEM Labels

to develop the next generation of genetically encoded cryo-CLEM labels with AI-driven de novo protein design to achieve target-specific and conditionally self-assembling, asymmetric, fluorescent tags

Julia Mahamid

European Molecular Biology Laboratory

David Baker

University of Washington

Development of Stroboscopic Cryo-electron Tomography

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This project will explore the feasibility of delivering electron dose in short bursts as a proof-of-concept for rapid high-resolution 3D imaging of frozen-hydrated cells.

Grant Jensen, PhD

California Institute of Technology

Dual-comb Scattering-Matrix Tomography of Neural Dynamics

Dynamic Imaging

to enable label-free spatiotemporal mapping of neural activity with sub-millisecond and subcellular resolution through developing a new method called dual-comb scattering-matrix tomography

Chia Wei Hsu

University of Southern California

Mengjie Yu

University of Southern California

Andrew Hires

University of Southern California

Dynamic Chemogenetic Reporters to Decipher Membrane Contacts

Dynamic Imaging

to develop a comprehensive set of probes allowing cell biologists to observe and monitor the morphological and functional dynamics of contact sites between organellar membranes in real time

Arnaud Gautier

Sorbonne University

Riccardo Filadi

National Research Council Neuroscience Institute, Padua

Dynamic Hyperspectral and Volumetric Mid-infrared Imaging

Dynamic Imaging

to develop a novel, high-definition and high-speed mid-infrared 3D and hyperspectral imaging technology for the real-time visualization of dynamical processes with chemical contrast

Dmitry Fishman

University of California, Irvine

Eric Potma

University of California, Irvine

Employing Raman in the Short-wave Infrared

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 2

to reach the optimal spectral range for deep tissue imaging by employing Raman contrast, boosted with electronic pre-resonance of SWIR chromophores, as a universal contrast mechanism

Ellen Sletten

University of California, Los Angeles

Oliver Bruns

National Center for Tumor Diseases

Christopher Rowlands

Imperial College London

Andriy Chmyrov

National Center for Tumor Diseases

Enabling a New Type of Microscopy for Ultradeep Imaging

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1

This project will revolutionize the imaging depth with light at optical wavelength resolution by developing a new type of microscopy that uses nonlinear holography for ultradeep tissue imaging.

Randy Bartels, PhD

Colorado State University

Jeffrey Field, PhD

Colorado State University

Christian Puttlitz, PhD

Colorado State University

Enabling Noninvasive Lipid Profiling with Intermodal Deep Learning

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 1

This team will use Raman imaging to detect lipids and to train MRI imaging on the same field of view, seeking to find if MRI has unrecognized signatures of cellular lipids.

Benjamin Bartelle, PhD

Arizona State University

Lu Wei, PhD

California Institute of Technology

Ulugbek Kamilov, PhD

Washington University in St. Louis

Establishing Experimental Model Systems for Visual Proteomics

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This team will develop three experimental model systems for visual proteomics with a focus on high statistical confidence to disseminate high-quality proteomic and image data.

Martin Beck, PhD

Max Planck Institute of Biophysics

Gerhard Hummer, PhD

Max Planck Institute of Biophysics

Beata Turoňová, PhD

Max Planck Institute of Biophysics

Exploring the Mechano-Metabolic Landscape of a Beating Ciliary Array

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 3

to capitalize on the mechanical motion of motile cilia, label-free metabolic imaging, and structural-mechanical imaging to generate a mechano-metabolic map of a ciliary array

Yi-Chih Lin, PhD

University of Texas at Austin

Domenico Galati, PhD

Western Washington University

Lingyan Shi, PhD

University of California, San Diego

Genetically Encoded Tags for Cryo-CLEM

Cryo-CLEM Labels

to develop genetically encoded RNA-protein assemblies that serve as high-contrast, low-background labels for cryo-CLEM and that can be directly visualized in unaveraged tomograms

Alexander Dunn

Stanford University

Peter Dahlberg

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

High-speed Volumetric Voltage Imaging

Dynamic Imaging

to develop molecular, optical, and algorithmic tools to map high-speed bioelectrical dynamics in three dimensions in intact tissue and in live specimens

Adam Cohen

Harvard University

Ahmed Abdelfattah

Brown University

Liam Paninski

Columbia University

Hybrid Technologies for Structural Cell Biology at Near-Atomic Resolution

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This team will develop technology to advance in-cell structural biology with machine learning and super-resolution light microscopy.

Julia Mahamid, PhD

European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Anna Kreshuk, PhD

European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Jonas Ries, PhD

European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Improved Direct Electron Detection Camera

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This team will develop the roadmap to engineer a high-resolution, high-throughput cryo-electron tomography camera that will improve sensitivity, speed, and detector size.

Peter Denes, PhD

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

David Agard, PhD

University of California, San Francisco

Paul Mooney, M.S.

Gatan, Inc.

Improving MRI Detection Limits

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 2

This project seeks to increase the detection limit of MRI by orders of magnitude, enabling researchers to monitor genetic activity in double-digit numbers of cells per voxel, potentially even approaching single-cell sensitivity.

Arnab Mukherjee, PhD

University of California, Santa Barbara

Mark Sellmyer, MD, PhD

University of Pennsylvania

In vivo Cellular-level Human Cardiac Imaging

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 2

to deliver in-vivo, cellular-level, non-invasive, dynamic microstructural diffusion cardiac magnetic resonance imaging of the beating human heart (100x100x100um3, ~16 cardiomyocytes/voxel)

Sonia Nielles-Vallespin

Imperial College London

Steven Niederer

Imperial College London

Daniel Rueckert

Imperial College London

Andrew Scott

Imperial College London

Ranil de Silva

Imperial College London

Simon Schultz

Imperial College London

iNano: A Multiscale Tool to Map Synapses in Time and Space

Dynamic Imaging

to generate a technique able to analyze living biological samples, over hours and days, at super-resolution, followed by an analysis of important cellular events at sub-molecular scale resolution

Ilaria Testa

KTH, SciLifeLab

Silvio Rizzoli

University of Göttingen

Integrating Single-cell Genomics and Live-cell Imaging

Dynamic Imaging

to integrate single-cell multi-omics data with live cell imaging-based lineage tracing, using spatial transcriptomics as a bridge

Samantha Morris

Washington University in St. Louis

Laser Phase Contrast in cryo-EM for Visual Proteomics at Atomic Resolution

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This project will integrate laser phase plates into the most modern Krios electron microscope to enable the ultimate phase contrast microscope in cryo-tomography.

Holger Müller, PhD

University of California, Berkeley

Light and Sound Driven Ultra-deep Fluorescence Imaging

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 2

to translate a multi-modal imaging approach towards in-vivo applicability, exploiting the combination of wavefront shaping, photoacoustic microscopy and switchable photoacoustic probes

Sylvain Gigan

Sorbonne University, Kastler-Brossel Laboratory

Robert Prevedel

EMBL Heidelberg

Claire Deo

EMBL Heidelberg

Hilton Barbosa de Aguiar

CNRS, Kastler-Brossel Laboratory

Andre C. Stiel

Helmholtz Munich

Locating Label-free Molecules in Cells with High Precision and Sensitivity

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This team will develop computational methods and data collection protocols to achieve target detection with the best possible precision and sensitivity, enabling the creation of pseudo-atomic maps of localized targets within cells.

Nikolaus Grigorieff, MSc, PhD

University of Massachusetts Medical School

Timothy Grant, PhD

Morgridge Institute for Research

Bronwyn Ayla Lucas, PhD

University of Massachusetts Medical School

Machine Learning to Identify Soft Tissue Molecular Signatures

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 1

This team will develop multimodal imaging and machine learning algorithms to identify soft tissue molecular characteristics indicative of pelvic organ prolapse.

Carolyn Bayer, PhD

Tulane University

Paris Perdikaris, PhD

University of Pennsylvania

Sapun Parekh, PhD

University of Texas at Austin

Megapixel Ultrasound Scanners for Deep Tissue Cellular Imaging

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1

This project will use high-speed camera and laser technology to create contactless ultrasound arrays, able to image centimeters into tissue and at cellular resolution.

Mengxing Tang, PhD

Imperial College London

Dr. Christopher Rowlands

Imperial College London

Simon Schultz, DPhil

Imperial College London

Microendoscopy-Guided Diagnosis and Treatment of Early-Stage Ovarian Cancer

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 1

This project will use endoscopy and combine photoacoustic and multi-photon microscopies to investigate early-stage ovarian cancer as it develops in the fallopian tube.

Barbara Smith, PhD

Arizona State University

Bryan Spring, PhD

Northeastern University

Molecular Deep Tissue Imaging in the NIR-II Transparency Window

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 2

to develop molecular-scale emitters for deep-tissue imaging of biomolecular targets in the NIR-II tissue transparency window, with direct applications in cancer research and therapeutics development

Stacy Copp

University of California, Irvine

Nathan Gianneschi

Northwestern University

Petko Bogdanov

University at Albany - State University of New York

Multi-color Single Molecule Tracking with Lifetime Imaging

Dynamic Imaging

to develop a multi-color, wide-field, single molecule tracking with fluorescence lifetime imaging platform that will provide direct access to the dynamics and interactions of biomolecules in living cells

Sabrina Simoncelli

University College London

Sergi Padilla Parra

King's College London

Giorgio Volpe

University College London

Multi-Task Learning to Map Proteins Inside Cells at Near-Atomic Resolution

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This project will design computational tools to accurately detect molecules in cellular tomograms and determine their high-resolution structures.

Alberto Bartesaghi, PhD

Duke University

Multiplexed Raman-Profiling to Investigate Complex Subcellular Brain Activities

Dynamic Imaging

to design a new Raman imaging platform for multiplexed and dynamic profiling of activities from live neuronal co-cultures and brain slices to probe their precise subcellular coordination and regulation

Lu Wei

California Institute of Technology

Nanoscale Imaging of Live Viruses

Dynamic Imaging

to enable direct imaging of viruses in their native environments at very high resolution, and revolutionize the study of viruses, human health, and vaccines

Piran Kidambi

Vanderbilt University

Neuromorphic Hyperspectral Microscopy

Dynamic Imaging

to create an optical microscope that can image and infer biological details at subcellular spatial, sub-millisecond temporal and sub-10 nm spectral resolutions, and make this technology widely available to scientists

Rajesh Menon

University of Utah

Nonlinear and Multimolecular Deep Tissue Ultrasound Imaging

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1

This project will develop new ultrasound techniques for deep tissue imaging of cell types, cellular interactions, and cancers.

Steven Chu, PhD

Stanford University

James Brooks, MD

Stanford University

Jeremy Dahl, PhD

Stanford University

Observing Molecules in Context with 4Pi Lattice Light Sheet Nanoscopy

Dynamic Imaging

to develop a new microscope that can observe single molecule dynamics while simultaneously providing ultrastructural context about the local microenvironment in live cells and tissues

Wesley Legant

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Joerg Bewersdorf

Yale University

Obtaining Deep Tissue Data Using MRI Microcytometry

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1

This team will develop magnetic resonance microscopy that combines novel data acquisition approaches, image reconstructions, gradient and cryogenic radiofrequency coil technologies, and ultra-high field strength to obtain unique cellular information in disease models.

John Gore, PhD

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Adam Anderson, PhD

Vanderbilt University

Mark Does, PhD

Vanderbilt University

Phase-Enhanced Synchronous Liquid-Cell Electron Microscopy

Dynamic Imaging

to develop hardware and software to implement inpainting algorithms and produce high-resolution movies of dynamic biological specimens under their near-native liquid environment

German Sciaini

University of Waterloo

Protein Origami Nanostructures for High-Resolution Cryo-CLEM Applications

Cryo-CLEM Labels

to develop a multiplexed, protein origami-based labeling system to identify and localize proteins directly in cryo-electron tomograms

Philipp S Erdmann

Human Technopole

Roman Jerala

National Institute of Chemistry/Kemijski Institut, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Pushing the Limit of Photoacoustic Imaging

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1

This project will develop a comprehensive toolbox of genetic near-infrared photochromic photoacoustic probes, acoustic-tunnel enhanced light delivery, and stochastic localization of photoacoustic probes in order to push the resolution limit of photoacoustic imaging.

Vladislav Verkhusha, PhD

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Junjie Yao, PhD

Duke University

Quantum Multi-Photon Excitation Microscopy for Deep Tissue Imaging

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1

This project will develop quantum multi-photon excitation microscopy for centimeter-scale deep tissue imaging in complex organisms.

Jung-Tsung Shen, PhD, Professor

Washington University in St. Louis

Junichiro Kono, Professor

Rice University

Lihong Wang, PhD

California Institute of Technology

Quantum Single-pixel, High-speed, Large-volume, Super-resolution Microscopy

Dynamic Imaging

to develop a new quantum enhanced, structured illumination, localization microscopy to increase speed, volume, and resolution and to break labeling density barriers in super-resolution microscopy

Randy Bartels

Colorado State University

Ali Pezeshki

Colorado State University

Jeff Squier

Colorado School of Mines

Quantum Triangulation for Deep Tissue Imaging in NIR-II

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 2

to develop and validate quantum-enhanced, near-infrared capabilities for accessible imaging in bone and bone marrow, advancing medicine and improving lives

Jennifer Stow

The University of Queensland

Warwick Bowen

The University of Queensland

JiaJia Zhou

University of Technology Sydney

Dayong Jin

University of Technology Sydney

Allison Pettit

The University of Queensland

Quantum-Enhanced Fluorescent Imaging with Entangled Photons

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 3

to integrate an entangled photon approach to time-resolved fluorescence imaging microscopy enabling multiplexed and background-free fluorescence imaging

Scott Cushing, PhD

California Institute of Technology

Jing Liu, PhD

Purdue University

Real-time AI for Programmable Training Arrays

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 2

The team seeks to develop an efficient computational platform on an array and convert the digitized data to an image where the system learns the spatio-temporal pattern of the image and enables the classification of data from the signal in real-time as anomalous or expected.

Shiva Abbaszadeh, PhD

University of California, Santa Cruz

Heather Whitney, PhD

University of Chicago

Resolving Biostructures In-situ via Cryogenic Light and Electron Microscopy

Visual Proteomics Imaging

This team will incorporate an advanced fluorescent microscope within a commercial Cryo-FIB to improve localization and identification accuracy of subcellular features.

Wah Chiu, PhD

Stanford University

William E. (W.E.) Moerner, PhD

Stanford University

John Pauly, PhD

Stanford University

Short Wavelength Infrared 2-Photon Microscopy for Deep Tissue Imaging

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1

This project will develop new near-infrared emitters and dual infrared 2-photon imaging technologies for deep tissue subcellular-scale imaging in brain and plant tissues.

Markita Landry, PhD

University of California, Berkeley

Single-Cell Photoacoustic Molecular Imaging at Centimeter Depth

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 1

This project will develop and validate a super-resolution photoacoustic imaging technology using a revolutionary ultrasensitive nanophotonic sensor that enables single-cell resolution molecular imaging at centimeter depth in vivo.

Song Hu, PhD

Washington University in St. Louis

Lan Yang, PhD

Washington University in St. Louis

Adam Kepecs, PhD

Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

Sketch-Based Retrieval & Clustering of Neurons in Large Microscopy Data

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 3

to develop sketch-based retrieval algorithms for classifying biologically relevant features in large 3D image datasets

Dylan McCreedy, PhD

Texas A&M University

Meghan Driscoll, PhD

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Sound Sheet Imaging of Cellular Activity at the Organ Scale

Dynamic Imaging

to develop widely accessible, fast 3D sound sheet imaging of acoustic reporters to study cellular activity, at the whole organ scale, in intact living opaque organisms to better understand health and disease

David Maresca

Delft University of Technology

Super-Multiplexed Live Imaging by Stimulated Raman Excited Fluorescence Spectroscopy

Dynamic Imaging

to develop a novel optical microscopy technology that offers a combination of high sensitivity, massive multiplexing, probe generality, and compatibility with dynamic imaging

Wei Min

Columbia University

Daniela Buccella

New York University

Super-Resolution Cryo-CLEM with Intracellular SPOTs

Cryo-CLEM Labels

to develop a robust cryo-CLEM label using nucleic acids, visible as one event by advanced cryo super-resolution fluorescence microscopy, detectable in unaveraged cryo-electron tomograms

Rainer Kaufmann

University of Hamburg

Lindsay Baker

University of Oxford

Tracking the Motion of Single Protein Molecules in Live Cells

Dynamic Imaging

to advance single-molecule tracking of proteins in live cells by developing accessible tools for automation, detection of protein-protein interactions, and molecular characterization of cell fate transitions

Xavier Darzacq

University of California, Berkeley

Transforming Imaging Collection in the Brain

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 2

This project seeks to develop a new approach to multiphoton imaging that will transform image collection in the brain by creating a flexible sensor.

Larry Cheng, PhD

The Pennsylvania State University

Luke Mortensen, PhD

University of Georgia

Whole-Body Human Ultrasound and Thermoacoustic Tomography

Deep Tissue Imaging Phase 2

to develop the first whole-body human ultrasound and thermoacoustic tomography along with needle-based photoacoustic microscopy to image organs and cells deep in the body

Lihong Wang

California Institute of Technology

Wide-field, Single-pixel Fluorescence Imaging with On-chip Nanophotonics

Scialog: Advancing BioImaging Cycle 1

This team aims to develop an aberration and scatter-resistant microscopy method to collect both scattered and unscattered fluorescence.

Douglas Shepherd, PhD

Arizona State University

Lisa Poulikakos, PhD

University of California, San Diego

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