Neuroscience Projects
The Neuroscience program was launched in 2018 with a focus on neurodegenerative disease and centered on the CZI Neurodegeneration Challenge Network (NDCN). The Challenge Network model is built on the vision that progress in solving neurodegenerative diseases will come from bringing new talent and ideas from diverse disciplines and expertise into the neurodegeneration field, building interdisciplinary collaborations, empowering the broader scientific community with robust tools and platforms, and creating a culture of innovation, collaboration, and open science.
Building on learnings and successes of the Challenge Network model, we have expanded the focus of our program from neurodegeneration to other areas of fundamental neuroscience. In addition to our ongoing focus on mechanisms of neurodegeneration, new grantees will broaden our remit to include research in areas such as cellular neuroscience, sleep biology, and circuit mechanisms for learning, memory & cognition.

Showing 64 results for
to manipulate miRNA networks acting in protein turnover dynamics during aging and neurodegeneration with the aim of favoring neuroprotection.
Giordano Lippi, PhD - The Scripps Research Institute
Eugenio Fornasiero, PhD - University Medical Center Göttingen
to characterize the role of meningeal peptidergic innervation in memory, cognitive function, and neurodegeneration.
Felipe Almeida de Pinho Ribeiro, PhD - Washington University in St. Louis
Jonathan Kipnis, PhD - Washington University in St. Louis
Ankur Jain - Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Jing-Ke Weng - Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Henner Koch - RWTH Aachen University
Deborah Kronenberg-Versteeg - Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tuebingen
Thomas Wuttke - Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tuebingen
to test the hypothesis that the consolidation of memory traces from the hippocampus into the neocortex depends on a sharp-wave driven dialogue disrupted in memory disorders.
Simon Schultz, PhD - Imperial College London
Ksenia Kastanenka, PhD - Massachusetts General Hospital
to apply RNA-based CRISPR genomics in hESC-derived neurons for systematic functional analysis of neural-specific splicing and 3’UTR isoforms that are relevant to development and neurodegeneration.
Eric Lai, PhD - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Neville Sanjana, PhD - New York Genome Center and New York University
Sergiu Pasca, MD, PhD - Stanford University
to define the role of a newly discovered form of astrocyte electrical activity on neuronal function, synaptic plasticity, and learning and memory using novel in vitro and in vivo imaging approaches.
Yoav Adam, PhD - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Chris Dulla, PhD - Tufts University School of Medicine
to identify astrocyte-neuron subproteomes in a pre-clinical model of permanent stroke, and find biomarkers and therapeutic strategies to stall neurodegeneration and cognitive decline in the long term.
Elena Blanco-Suarez, PhD - Thomas Jefferson University
Baljit Khakh, PhD - University of California, Los Angeles
to evaluate whether TDP-43 loss-of-function-related cryptic mis-splicing results in autoantibodies to aberrant neoepitopes in patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration.
William Seeley, MD - University of California, San Francisco
Michael Wilson, MD, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
Isaac Chiu, PhD - Harvard Medical School
to leverage an evolutionary perspective to discover how the diversity of molecular states in astrocytes may underlie the resilience of the brain to neurodegeneration.
Maria Antonietta Tosches, PhD - Columbia University
to decipher the role of long-term, systemic brain-body crosstalk on neurodegeneration at the organismal level, using whole-body imaging and click chemistry labeling.
Li Ye, PhD - The Scripps Research Institute
to define changes in the pattern of myelination in the adult mouse brain in the context of remyelination and adaptive plasticity using light sheet imaging and automated cellular reconstruction.
Dwight Bergles, PhD - Johns Hopkins University
Jeremias Sulam, PhD - Johns Hopkins University
to perform molecular and functional dissection of cortical and thalamic inputs to the striatum and elucidate their involvement in Huntington’s disease pathophysiology.
Irina Dudanova, PhD - University Hospital Cologne
Takaki Komiyama, PhD - University of California, San Diego
to use in vivo whole-brain imaging, whole-body physiology, and computational modeling in zebrafish to map cholesterol dynamics and metabolism across brain regions and cell types, and their impact on cognitive functions.
Celia Shiau, PhD - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
En Yang, PhD - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kristen Brennand - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Jennifer Phillips-Cremins - University of Pennsylvania
Esteban Mazzoni - New York University
Schahram Akbarian - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
to unravel the circuit mechanisms underlying early psychiatric symptoms in proteinopathies by combining longitudinal functional recordings with novel post-hoc anatomical and molecular reconstructions.
Sabine Krabbe, PhD - German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Debora Marks, PhD - Harvard University
to integrate computational predictions of molecular drivers from large human datasets with functional screening platforms to identify pathways that operate in astrocytes to drive neurodegeneration.
Naomi Habib, PhD - Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Francisco Quintana, PhD - Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Philip L. De Jager, MD, PhD - Columbia University (Lead and Clinical PI)
Elizabeth Bradshaw, PhD - Columbia University
Vilas Menon, PhD - Columbia University
Vladislav Petyuk, PhD - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
to utilize lifespan tracking in a short-lived African killifish model, behavioral paradigms in aging mouse models, and comparative genomics to identify peripheral mechanisms of cognitive rejuvenation.
Param Priya Singh, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
Saul Villeda, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
Mitchell Guttman, PhD - California Institute of Technology
Michael Keiser, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
to engineer a synthetic gene circuit for the noninvasive detection of protein aggregates in neurodegenerative conditions, using magnetic resonance imaging.
Arnab Mukherjee, PhD - University of California, Santa Barbara
Laura Segatori, PhD - Rice University
to define what extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins are deposited when memories are formed, which cell types are producing them, and whether ECM determines the strength of the memory trace.
Anna Victoria Molofsky, MD, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
Ye Zhang, PhD - University of California, Los Angeles
to engineer chimeric brain models in which specific neural circuits or subtypes are replaced with cells of another species, to identify mechanisms for cognition, memory, and neurodegeneration.
Kristin Baldwin, PhD - Columbia University
Jun Wu, PhD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
to combine deep learning technologies and multiplexed mutational technologies in iPSCs to uncover novel causal genetic variants that drive protective and risk mechanisms across neurodegenerative diseases.
Douglas M. Fowler, PhD - University of Washington
Debora Marks, PhD - Harvard University
to test the hypothesis that DNA damage drives sleep pressure and DNA repair mechanisms are more active during sleep in different cell types in both mice and flies.
Luis de Lecea, PhD - Stanford University
Nara I. Muraro, PhD - Biomedicine Research Institute of Buenos Aires, IBioBA-CONICET-MPSP
to utilize an imaging-based approach to monitor in vivo subcellular autophagy dynamics in the mouse brain, allowing early detection of cell-specific autophagy failure during neurodegeneration.
Tal Laviv, PhD - Tel Aviv University
to investigate metabolic disruptions that impair learning and memory in ALS using super-resolution imaging of mitochondrial stabilization and state-of-the-art mitochondrial ATP imaging.
Vidhya Rangaraju, PhD - Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience
Martin Kampmann, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
Rebecca Ahrens-Nicklas - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Elizabeth Bhoj - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Marylyn Ritchie - University of Pennsylvania
to identify how the epigenetic regulation of repetitive genetic elements influences human neural transcriptional networks in repeat-associated neurological disorders.
Christopher Douse, PhD - Lund University
to initiate the process of identifying convergent molecular pathways for regulating sleep efficiency using multi-omics and computational platforms.
Ying-Hui Fu, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
Arun Padmanabhan, MD, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
to study the role of the cerebellum and cerebellar-dependent learning in regulating sleep, and mutually to investigate the role of the sleep in modulating cerebellar function during learning.
Farzaneh Najafi, PhD - Georgia Institute of Technology
Giulio Tononi, MD PhD - University of Wisconsin-Madison
to uncover the role of G-protein-coupled receptors in prion disease pathophysiology using high-throughput functional CRISPR assays integrated with spike-resolution optical readout of neuronal activity.
Adriano Aguzzi, MD - University of Zurich
Madhuvanthi Kannan, PhD - University of Minnesota
to integrate multiple CRISPR-screens on imaging platforms to identify oligogenic combinations that modify microglial behavior and exacerbate pathological functions in neurodegenerative pathologies.
Cody Smith, PhD - University of Notre Dame
Beth Stevens, PhD - Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Eric Wang, PhD - University of Florida
to use cutting-edge mechanobiology approaches to decipher how cell intrinsic and extrinsic mechanical cues regulate microglia activation during neurophysiology and neurodegeneration.
Alba Diz Muñoz, PhD - European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Ning (Jenny) Jiang, PhD - University of Pennsylvania
Graeme Davis - University of California, San Francisco
Kira Poskanzer - University of California, San Francisco
Jeanne Paz - Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease and University of California, San Francisco
William Seeley, MD, PhD - University of California, San Francisco (Lead and Clinical PI)
Steven Altschuler, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
Aimee Kao, MD, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
Lani Wu, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
to uncover the unique proteome landscape of subtypes of human iPSC-derived neuron and glial cells that contribute to the neuroimmune axis and are linked to the etiology of neurodegenerative diseases.
Alban Ordureau, PhD - Sloan Kettering Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Lorenz Studer, MD - Sloan Kettering Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Nicola Allen, PhD - Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Sarah Cohen - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Mohanish Deshmukh - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Serena Yeung - Stanford University
to use zebrafish whole-brain neuromodulator and calcium imaging, analysis, and modeling to identify neuronal mechanisms that underlie circadian and homeostatic regulation of sleep.
David Prober, PhD - California Institute of Technology
Matthew Thomson, PhD - California Institute of Technology
to characterize the functional alterations of ipRGCs and their brain targets implicated in alertness and sleep in Alzheimer’s disease and to determine their time course relative to cognitive decline.
Antoine Adamantidis, PhD - University of Bern
Ludovic S. Mure, PhD - Universitätsklinik für Augenheilkunde, Inselspital and University of Bern
to elucidate how sleep deprivation undermines the immune system and compromises distinct neural circuits regulating cognitive functions in health and neurodegenerative conditions.
Shinjae Chung, PhD - University of Pennsylvania
Yeong Shin Yim, PhD - University of Pennsylvania
Alejandro Chavez - Columbia University
Serge Przedborski - Columbia University
Vilas Menon - Columbia University
Vincenzo A. Gennarino - Columbia University Irving Medical Center
Xin Jin - Scripps Research Institute
Yang Hu - Stanford University
Stanley Qi - Stanford University
Xin Duan - University of California, San Francisco
Sergej Djuranovic - Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Timothy Miller - Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Slavica Pavlovic Djuranovic - Washington University School of Medicine in St. Loui
to elucidate how the loss of interoceptive mechanisms driving plasticity in vascular signaling pathways to adapt blood delivery to areas of neuronal energy need contributes to neurodegeneration.
Osama Harraz, PhD - University of Vermont
Thomas Longden, PhD - University of Maryland Baltimore
to elucidate the role of myelin-forming glia and myelination in neurodegenerative sleep dysregulation using genetic mouse modeling, viral tracing, and Alzheimer’s patient-derived iPSCs.
Erin Gibson, PhD - Stanford University
Inma Cobos, MD, PhD - Stanford University
to combine CRISPR-powered genetics and machine-learning-powered behavioral analysis to study how sleep evolved in its regulation and function in a selected group of the Drosophila genus.
Giorgio F. Gilestro, PhD - Imperial College London
Lucia Prieto-Godino, PhD - The Francis Crick Institute
Gene Yeo, PhD - University of California, San Diego (Lead PI)
Jeffrey D. Rothstein, MD, PhD - Johns Hopkins University (Clinical PI)
Pietro De Camilli - Yale University and HHMI
Hongying Shen - Yale University
to bring technological breakthroughs to scalably record and analyze spatial and temporal structures of single-cell gene expression in the living brain underlying learning and neurodegeneration.
Denise Cai, PhD - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Changyang Linghu, PhD - University of Michigan
Robert Spitale - University of California, Irvine
Leslie Thompson - University of California, Irvine
to develop machine learning approaches spanning multiple levels of biology (multi-omic/neurophysiology/behavior) to reveal the biomolecular substrates responsible for memory storage and persistence.
André Fenton, PhD - New York University
Stefano Martiniani, PhD - New York University
Elaine Hsiao, PhD - University of California, Los Angeles
to leverage a CRISPR activation/interference screening in non-coding GWAS regions to elucidate gene regulations underlying the resilience failure in mid-brain DP neurons derived from hPSCs.
Atsushi Fukuda, PhD - Tokai University, School of Medicine
Natsuhiko Kumasaka, PhD - Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo
to use cryo-electron microscopy and biochemical approaches to elucidate the mechanism underlying repeat-associated non-AUG translation initiation in neurodegeneration associated with short tandem repeat expansion disorders.
Jay Brito Querido, PhD - University of Michigan
Peter K. Todd, MD, PhD - University of Michigan
Ethan Lippmann, PhD - Vanderbilt University
Ozgun Gokce - Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research
Mikael Simons - Technical University Munich and German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Jeremy Carlton - King's College London
Adrian Isaacs - University College London
Soyon Hong - University College London
Michael Ward - National Institute of Health
Caleb Webber - Cardiff University
to leverage novel metabolic sensors and actuators in defined neural circuits to assess their impact on synaptic function, cellular physiology, and memory performance.
Priyamvada Rajasethupathy, MD, PhD - The Rockefeller University
Timothy Ryan, PhD - Weill Cornell Medicine
to take a multi-pronged approach using optical physiology to elucidate how dysregulation of metabolic crosstalk between neurons & astrocytes contributes to neurodegeneration.
Ghazaleh Ashrafi, PhD - Washington University in St. Louis
to leverage an antisense-based screening platform in human iPSC-derived neurons to elucidate human-specific microRNAs controlling mitochondrial homeostasis in neuronal health and disease.
Tatjana Kleele, PhD - ETH Zurich
Gerhard Schratt, PhD - ETH Zurich
Marc Hammarlund - Yale University
Gulcin Pekkurnaz - University of California San Diego
to investigate the role of Arc capsids in mediating mechanisms of learning and intergenerational inheritance of experiences.
Bianca Jones Marlin, PhD - Columbia University
Jason Shepherd, PhD - University of Utah
Celeste Karch, PhD - Washington University in St. Louis (Lead PI)
Gregory Day, MD - Mayo Clinic, Florida (Clinical PI)
Carlos Cruchaga, PhD - Washington University in St. Louis
Oscar Harari, PhD - Washington University in St. Louis
to identify molecular determinants of memory persistence using concurrent in vivo imaging of neural activity and intracellular signaling dynamics as novel neural memory traces develop and decay.
Kevin Bolding, PhD - Monell Chemical Senses Center
Olivier Pertz, PhD - University of Bern
to establish the impact of Alzheimer’s disease pathology on molecularly-defined neural cells during cognitive tasks using sequentially-coupled calcium imaging with spatial transcriptomics.
Joseph Castellano, PhD - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Herbert Wu, PhD - Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
to unravel how learning-induced transient neuronal activity is translated into a cell assembly’s lasting epigenetic code to store acquired memories.
David Dupret, PhD - University of Oxford
Johannes Gräff, PhD - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Tim Bartels - University College London and UK Dementia Research Institute
Soyon Hong - University College London and UK Dementia Research Institute
Dario Alessi - University of Dundee
Kenneth Harris - University College London
Neil Ranson - Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology, University of Leeds
to assess the impact of sleep fragmentation on neuroinflammation and BBB function in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model and leverage the discovery of a novel sleep drive circuit to ameliorate these phenotypes.
Xiaoning Han, MD, PhD - Johns Hopkins University
Mark Wu, MD, PhD - Johns Hopkins University
Martin Giera - Leiden University Medical Center
Rik van der Kant - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Amsterdam University Medical Center
Priyanka Narayan - National Institutes of Health
David Walt, PhD - Harvard University (Lead PI)
Alice-Chen Plotkin, MD - University of Pennsylvania (Clinical PI)
George Church, MD - Harvard University
Wade Harper - Harvard Medical School
Sichen (Susan) Shao - Harvard Medical School
Esteban O. Mazzoni - New York University
Christine Vogel - New York University
to leverage and further develop new RNA-targeted microenvironment-mapping tools in patient-derived neurons, elucidating molecular mechanisms by which repeat-expansion RNAs drive neurodegeneration.
David Shechner, PhD - University of Washington
Gene Yeo, PhD - University of California San Diego
Melissa E. Murray - Mayo Clinic Florida
Wilfried Rossoll - Mayo Clinic Florida
Viviana Gradinaru, PhD - California Institute of Technology
to identify all lysosomal metabolism genes contributing to neurodegeneration by combining high-throughput reverse genetics with functional multi-omics to investigate the lysosomal proteome.
Monther Abu-Remaileh, PhD - Stanford University
Natalia Gomez-Ospina, MD, PhD - Stanford University
to use a novel pooled gene tagging approach with high throughput microscopy and optical sequencing to map subcellular localization of hundreds of endogenous proteins in disease iPSC-derived neurons.
Ophir Shalem, PhD - Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania
Pablo Gonzalez Camara, PhD - University of Pennsylvania
to test the mechanisms of sleep-dependent memory consolidation using long-term wearable miniscopes that track and manipulate neural activity with single-cell precision in freely behaving animals.
Daniel Aharoni, PhD - University of California, Los Angeles
Gina Poe, PhD - University of California, Los Angeles
Patrik Verstreken, PhD - VIB-KU Leuven (Lead PI)
Wim Vandenberghe, MD, PhD - KU Leuven (Clinical PI)
Dries Braeken, PhD - imec Leuven
Birgitt Schuele, MD - Stanford University
to leverage tissue-specific and temporal genetic switches to study how the central nervous system and peripheral tissues regulate circadian rhythms and sleep.
Karyn Esser, PhD - University of Florida
Eric Wang, PhD - University of Florida
Ernest Arenas, MD, PhD - Karolinska Institutet (Lead PI)
Per Svenningsson, MD, PhD - Karolinska Institutet (Clinical PI)
Sten Linnarsson, PhD - Karolinska Institutet
Mats Nilsson, PhD - Stockholm University
David Simon - Weill Cornell Medicine
Trent Watkins - Baylor College of Medicine
to develop innovative ways to quantify brain aging taking into account spatial features, with the goal of developing targeted strategies to counter cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.
James Zou, PhD - Stanford University
Anne Brunet, PhD - Stanford University
to elucidate regulatory mechanisms that enable one brain cell to influence the determination of the state of neighboring cells, and to characterize their perturbation in disease.
Philip De Jager, MD, PhD - Columbia University
Martin Kampmann, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
Molly Gale Hammell, PhD - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
to apply high throughput genetics in neurodegeneration models, sleep-dependent transcriptomics, and single molecule RNA subcellular localization to reveal the links between sleep and neurodegeneration.
Ravi Allada, MD - University of Michigan
Swathi Yadlapalli, PhD - University of Michigan
to study the sequestration of RNA binding proteins as a common pathogenic mechanism of neurodegeneration in tandem repeat disorders using a transformative new technology that leverages genome editing tools.
Mandana Arbab, PhD - Boston Children’s Hospital
Richard Sherwood, PhD - Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Cagla Eroglu, PhD - Duke University (Lead PI)
Nicole Calakos, MD, PhD - Duke University (Clinical PI)
Albert La Spada, MD, PhD - Duke University
to bridge a knowledge gap between the memory function of sleep and the epigenetic mechanism of memory in the basolateral amygdala, a critical brain structure for emotion and memory.
Shawn Liu, PhD - Columbia University
Yueqing Peng, PhD - Columbia University
to identify circuit-activity-based tools to leverage sleep as a therapeutic agent for age-dependent neurodegeneration.
Noelle L’Etoile, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
Brendon O. Watson, MD PhD - University of Michigan
to unravel the role of homeostatic sleep and circadian-driven processes in nuclear function of diverse mouse brain cell populations combining cell-type specific nuclear isolation with deep sequencing and quantitative proteomics.
Angel Barco, PhD - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
Maria Robles, PhD - LMU, Munich
to identify sleep-dependent and sleep-independent neurophysiological and biosynthetic processes linked to cognitive resilience during aging, and in the context of Alzheimer’s disease risk alleles.
Catherine Kaczorowski, PhD - University of Michigan
Sara Aton, PhD - University of Michigan
to combine biochemical study of postmortem Alzheimer’s disease brain tissue with new extracellular RNA analysis to define the RNA-bound diffusible amyloid beta complex and its toxicity.
Ryan Flynn, MD, PhD - Boston Children’s Hospital
Andrew Stern, MD, PhD - Brigham and Women’s Hospital
to establish a biologic and computational platform to study sleep effects on immune cells, identify molecular factors involved in sleep-immune homeostasis, and elucidate their underlying action mechanisms.
Michael Lazarus, PhD - International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine
Haruka Ozaki, PhD - Institute of Medicine at the University of Tsukuba
Mina Gouti - Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association
Nikolaus Rajewsky - Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association
to establish cell-type-specific and functional catalogs of lipid droplets in brains and CRISPR-based human iPSC models of lipid dysregulation to elucidate brain lipid metabolism in health and disease.
Jeeyun Chung, PhD - Harvard University
Joongkyu Park, PhD - Wayne State University
Takanari Inoue - Johns Hopkins University
Shigeki Watanabe - Johns Hopkins University
to identify pathways and protein interactions hamsters use to degrade and regenerate synapses during cycles of hibernation and test if these can be used to counteract synapse loss in dementia.
Fan Liu, PhD - Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie
Patrik Verstreken, PhD - VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain & Disease Research
Paul C. Blainey - The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Clotilde Lagier-Tourenne - Massachusetts General Hospital
Ankur Jain - Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
to leverage a state-of-the-art Alzheimer’s disease cell atlas to map cell-type-specific genetic effects in their neuropathologic context.
Maya Kasowski, MD PhD - Stanford University
Christopher Keene, MD PhD - University of Washington
to engineer cytokines that elicit immune responses in the brain specifically at sites of neurodegeneration, such as around amyloid beta aggregates.
Ethan Lippmann, PhD - Vanderbilt University
Jamie Spangler, PhD - Johns Hopkins University
Florian T. Merkle, PhD - University of Cambridge
to use in vivo brain imaging of natural sleep to elucidate how the gliovascular unit regulates brain waste clearance to identify targets for the prevention of neurodegeneration.
Rune Enger, MD, PhD - University of Oslo
to uncover the possible bidirectional link between TDP-43 proteinopathy and immune activation/dysregulation in neurodegeneration.
Pietro Fratta, MD PhD - University College London and The Francis Crick Institute
Ning (Jenny) Jiang, PhD - University of Pennsylvania
Alessandro Ori - Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute
Michael Ward - National Institutes of Health
Hemali Phatnani - New York Genome Center
Lars Steinmetz - European Molecular Biology Laboratory Stanford University
Ivan Marazzi, PhD - Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai, New York
Antoni Barrientos - University of Miami Health System
Silvia Rouskin - Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Liam Holt - New York University School of Medicine
Hemali Phatnani - New York Genome Center
Ming Guo, MD, PhD - University of California, Los Angeles
Elizabeth J. Videlock, MD, PhD - University of California, Los Angeles
Marc Diamond, MD - UT Southwestern Medical Center (Lead PI)
Charles White, MD - UT Southwestern Medical Center (Clinical PI)
Lukasz Joachimiak, PhD - UT Southwestern Medical Center
to combine newly developed neurotransmitter indicators, imaging hardware, processing algorithms, and inference methods to build a pipeline for measuring neural computations in vivo.
Adam Charles, PhD - Johns Hopkins University
Kaspar Podgorski, PhD - Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics
to uncover conserved, tissue-specific responses to sleep loss using single-cell genomic profiling in flies and mice and functional screens for factors promoting tissue health during sleep restriction.
Elizabeth Pollina, PhD - Washington University in St. Louis
Dragana Rogulja, PhD - Harvard University
to employ a computational design approach to test the role of amyloid assembly kinetics and stability on the formation and duration of long-term memory in animal models.
Lukasz Joachimiak, PhD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Kausik Si, PhD - Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Maria Soledad Esposito - Centro Atomico Bariloche - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas
Ignacio E. Schor - Universidad de Buenos Aires - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
to determine the IgLON5 interactome and identify proteins with impaired turnover in a model of inflammatory-dependent tauopathy (anti-IgLON5 disease) to identify therapeutic targets for tauopathies.
Luís Ribeiro, PhD - University of Coimbra
Jeffrey Savas, PhD - Northwestern University
Wah Chiu - Stanford University
Serena Yeung - Stanford University
to use a hybrid approach with human and fly genetics to prioritize and characterize novel candidates regulating circadian entrainment.
Qili Liu, PhD - University of California, San Francisco
Louis Ptacek, MD - University of California, San Francisco
to perform molecular and ultrastructural analyses to quantify the synaptic and cellular effects of extreme chronic sleep loss in the sandpiper, a model of sustained high waking performance.
Chiara Cirelli, MD, PhD - University of Wisconsin-Madison
John Lesku, PhD - La Trobe University
Stephanie Moon - University of Michigan
Nils Walter - University of Michigan
Jason Shepherd, PhD - The University of Utah
to generate novel genetic toolkits to determine the roles of oligodendrocytes and to spatiotemporally map myelination in a neural circuit-specific manner during neurodegeneration.
Lu Sun, PhD - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
to develop an ultrasound microvascular imaging technique that provides structural (vessel morphology) and functional (neural activities) evaluation of brains affected by neurodegenerative diseases.
Pengfei Song, PhD - University of Illinois
to identify cell engineering strategies that sustain the protective function of microglia as a new therapeutic direction for neurodegenerative diseases.
Frederick Bennett, MD - University of Pennsylvania
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